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Introducing: Condatis Credential Getaway

Condatis has developed a Credential Getaway that allows services already using OIDC to connect with holders of SSI wallets when requesting the data required to grant users access to their services.


Systems that can readily accept consumers, customers, or staff identity are readily available in corporations.

Author: Chris Eckl, CTO

The Credential Getaway integrates digital wallets to federation sources without changing the underlying services.

To the service, the Credential Getaway looks like an Identity provider, whereas to the digital wallet, it looks just like another verifier.

Since the Credential Getaway codifies the enterprise’s trust framework, all the service has to do is to call this new Identity provider with a reference to the data it wants.

The figure below references a data model with a proof request template as well as an allowed values filter. If you have any questions regarding the Condatis Credential Getaway, contact us on


Multi SSI Stack

A significant advantage of multi SSI stack model is that the Credential Getaway interacts with the two primary SSI technology stacks currently in the community.

The Credential Getaway has a built-in agent for Hyperledger Aries using Evernym’s Verity product and supports the OIDC SIOP protocol, as well as the Self Issued Open ID Provider (SIOP) Protocol. This model allows holders to use an Aries compatible wallet like Evernym’s Connect.Me, as well as Microsoft’s Authenticator app.



The Condatis SSI package

The OIDC Credential Getaway builds on the experience of Condatis’ team to abstract SSI technology and makes it more useable and quicker to deploy. The OIDC Credential Getaway sits on top of the Condatis SSI Middleware that orchestrates interoperability and abstracts the underlying protocol stacks.

Other modules in the Condatis’ SSI package that also build on the same middleware are:

  • Condatis SSI Issuer: the issuer allows simple issuing of verifiable credentials
  • Condatis SSI Verifier: the verifier allows verification based on a given proof request template
  • Condatis SSI Protocol Handshake Provider: this module makes it possible to offer either protocol to the consuming user and provides mediation between the Hyperledger Aries and OIDC SIOP protocol families


Features & Benefits



Benefits to service providers

  • makes existing OIDC-based applications available to a wider audience without the need for recoding
  • removes the need for developer training in SSI protocols
  • provides access to new wallet vendors as soon as support by the bridge is released
  • enhanced trust in returned data through cryptographic verification and dynamic revocation checking

Benefits to service users

  • supports multiple wallet vendors, giving end-users control over their choice of technology
  • maintains privacy by ensuring that only the minimum data required by the service provider is disclosed (e.g. meets age restriction without disclosing date of birth)

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